FKFP (Foundation for the Hungarian Higher Education and Research)Period:
1999 – 2001Project leader:
András Pataricza, Ph.D.Participants:
Department of Measurement and Information Technology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest,Project aim:
Department of Information Systems at the University of Economics, Budapest,
Department of Informatics at the Széchenyi István College, Győr
The objectives of the research project is the development of a general framework based on state of the art object oriented CASE technologies, allowing the modell based description and mathematical optimalization of industrial production processes.Further information:
This objected will be acheived by extending the UML modelling paradigm with the elements needed for modelling industrial processes, by eleborating an interface to the tipical computer engineering tasks, and by developing the theoretical foundations and experimental implementation of an automatic transformation generating a mathematical optimization problem from the UML based process modell.
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András Pataricza, Ph.D.