Quality of Service and Dependable Computer Networks


Hungarian-Italian Intergovernmental S & T Cooperation Programme
Universita di Torino, Dipartimento di Informatica;
Universita di Firenze, Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica;
Universita di Messina, Istituto di Informatica e Telecomunicazioni;
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Telecommunications;
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems.
Project aim:
The most relevant technological revolution in the past few years has been the easy connection of the computer systems of all the world in a single network. Internet has changed the way in which human can communicate each other via computer networks. However, the challenge of the next decades in the computer network area will be to provide integrated services with a preassigned quality of service (QoS). By QoS we mean, in this context, that the user is guaranteed that the communication network to which he is connected will provide him the requested services with a prescribed level of performance (measures according to various possible indices like: total time, response time, information flow rate or throughput (in bit/sec), etc.). To achieve this goal, the hardware structure of the network (links and nodes) must be highly dependable, and the software must be highly reliable.

The research project will be developed over various and interconnected technological fields. Research on the analysis methods and evaluation techniques, experiments, design, both for software and hardware. In particular, design methodologies need to be developed starting from the specification (in some language suitable to designers) to the evaluation phase. This requires different skills to be involved in the project. From the Italian side, the groups participating in the project are mainly involved in the dependability area, and in the evaluation analysis and design of communication networks. The groups of the Hungarian side have experience in formal modelling and verification and in QoS analysis of specific computer and communication systems. Below we give a short introduction to the major research challenges of the field:

Further information (at DMIS):
István Majzik, Ph.D.