BUTE DMIS FTSRG Publications (2006-2008) (BibTeX)

	title = {Model-Based Approaches for Dependability in Ad-Hoc Mobile Networks and Services},
	url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-85571-2\_7},
	abstract = {This paper presents our results in the field of Model Driven Design (MDD) gained in dependable, distributed application development communicating over ad-hoc mobile networks. The context of the discussion is the Highly Dependable IP-based Networks and Services (Hidenets) research project. Our efforts involve (i) construction of the platform?s UML model, (ii) construction of a metamodel illustrating the intended organization of applications running on the platform, (iii) defining a UML profile on the basis of the metamodel facilitating the integration of the basic services provided by the Hidenets platform to support high availability of the application and (iv) providing a set of dependability enforcing design patterns to support the implementation of applications built for the Hidenets platform using our profile. The paper highlights the benefits of applying model-based approaches in the context of complex dependability frameworks. },
	journal = {Architecting Dependable Systems V},
	author = {Gergely Pintér and Zoltán Micskei and András Kövi and Zoltán Égel and Imre Kocsis and Gábor Huszerl and András Pataricza},
	year = {2008},
	pages = {150--174}

  volume = {5214},
  location = {Leicester, United Kingdom, September 7-13, 2008},
  author = {G{\'a}bor Bergmann and {\'A}kos Horv{\'a}th and Istv{\'a}n R{\'a}th
            and D{\'a}niel Varr{\'o}},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  booktitle = {Proc. 4th International Conference on Graph Transformations, ICGT
  editor = {Hartmut Ehrig and Reiko Heckel and Grzegorz Rozenberg and Gabriele
  title = {A Benchmark Evaluation of Incremental Pattern Matching in Graph
  publisher = {Springer},
  ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-87405-8_27},
  pages = {396-410},
  year = {2008},

  volume = {5088},
  author = {Gergely Varr{\'o} and {\'A}kos Horv{\'a}th and D{\'a}niel Varr{\'o}
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  booktitle = {Proc. Third International Workshop and Symposium on Applications
               of Graph Transormation with Industrial Relevance (AGTIVE 2007)},
  editor = {Andy Sch{\"}rr and Manfred Nagl and Albert Z{\"u}ndorf},
  title = {Recursive Graph Pattern Matching: With Magic Sets and Global Search
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {2008},

  title = {{Integration of OLAP and Data Mining for Analysis of Results from
           Dependability Evaluation Experiments}},
  author = {Gergely Pint{\'e}r and Henrique Madeira and Marco Vieira and
            Istv{\'a}n Majzik and Andr{\'a}s Pataricza},
  note = {Accepted, in press},
  year = 2008,
  journal = {{International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies}},

  author={Zolt{\'a}n Micskei and Istv{\'a}n Majzik and Francis Tam},
  title={Comparing Robustness of AIS-Based Middleware Implementations},
  abstract={To enable the interoperability of high availability (HA) middleware
    systems the Service Availability Forum has released a set of open specifications.
    The benefit of having open specifications is the choice of implementations
    available from different vendors. When one chooses a product, one of the selection
    criteria (besides performance) is the robustness of the implementation, as
    the crashing or hanging of such a HA middleware causes the failure of the whole
    system. The challenge is to develop the appropriate technology for measuring
    and comparing robustness of HA middleware implementations. Based on our earlier
    results, we present a set of automatic testing tools and a benchmark suite
    constructed using these tools. We demonstrate the robustness testing approach
    by comparing the results of benchmarking carried out on three HA middleware
  booktitle={International Service Availability Symposium 2007},
  month={May 25--27},
  editor={Malek, Reitenspiess, Van Moorsel},

  author={Helene Waeselynck and Zoltan Micskei and Minh Duc Nguyen and Nicolas
  title={Mobile Systems from a Validation Perspective: a Case Study},
  booktitle={ISPDC '07: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Parallel
    and Distributed Computing},
  isbn={0-7695-2936-4 },
  publisher={IEEE Computer Society},
  address={Hagenberg, Austria},
  abstract={Advances in wireless networking have yielded the development of mobile
    applications. However, sound technology to specify, design and validate such
    applications is still to be investigated. In order to exemplify some of the
    challenges that are raised, this paper reports on a case study: a group membership
    protocol for ad hoc networks. The protocol has been analyzed by reviewing the
    specification and the code, and then by testing the implementation. The outcomes
    provides us with hints for research direction. },
  month={July 5--8},
  location={Hadelber, Austria},
  editor={Dieter Kranzlm{\"u}ller and Wolfgang Schreiner and Jens Volkert}

  location = {Dubrovnik, Croatia},
  author = {M\'{a}t\'{e} Kov\'{a}cs and D\'{a}niel Varr\'{o} and L\'{a}szl\'{o}
  booktitle = {EFTS '07: Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Engineering fault
               tolerant systems},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  title = {Formal modeling of BPEL workflows including fault and compensation
  isbn = {978-1-59593-725-4},
  publisher = {ACM},
  pages = {1},
  doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1316550.1316551},
  year = {2007},

  author = 		  {{I. R\'ath and G. Bergmann and A. \"Okr\"os and D. Varr
  title = 		  {{Live model transformations driven by incremental pattern
  year = 		  {2008},
  organization = {4th International Conference on Model
  note = {Accepted.}

  author = 		  {G. Bergmann and A. \"Okr\"os and I. R\'ath and D. Varr\'o
and G. Varr\'o},
  title = 		  {{Incremental pattern matching in the VIATRA transformation
  booktitle = {GRaMoT'08, 3rd International Workshop on Graph and Model
  year = 		  {2008},
  organization = {30th International Conference on Software
  note = 		  {Accepted.}

  AUTHOR = {L{\'a}szl{\'o} G{\"o}nczy and Reiko Heckel and D{\'a}niel Varr{\'o}},
  TITLE = {Model-based Testing of Service Infrastructure Components},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of TESTCOM/FATES 2007},
  EDITOR = {Petrenko et al.},
  SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  VOLUME = {4581},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  NOTE = {},
  YEAR = {2007},
  ADDRESS = {Tallinn, Estiona},
  ABSTRACT = {We present a methodology for testing service infrastructure components described in a high-level (UML-like) language. The technique of graph transformation is used to precisely capture the dynamic aspect of the protocols which is the basis of state space generation. Then we use model checking techniques to find adequate test sequences for a given requirement. To illustrate our approach, we present the case study of a fault tolerant service broker which implements a well-known dependability pattern at the level of services. Finally, a compact Petri Net representation is derived by workflow mining techniques to generate faithful test cases in a non-deterministic, distributed environment. Note that our methodology is applicable at the architectural level rather than for testing individual service instances only.}

  author = 	 {A. Balogh, D. Varr{\'o}},
  title = 	 {The Model Transformation Language of the VIATRA2 Framework},
  journal = 	 {Science of Programming },
  year = 	 {2007},
  volume = 	 {68},
  number = 	 {3},
  pages = 	 {187-207},
  month = 	 {October}

  author    = {Peter Bokor and Marco Serafini and Aron Sisak and Andras Pataricza and Neeraj Suri},
  title     = {Sustaining Property Verification of Synchronous Dependable Protocols Over Implementation},
  booktitle = {10th IEEE High Assurance Systems Engineering Symposium},
  pages     = {169-178},
  year      = {2007},

  author = {G. Pint\'er and I. Majzik},
  title = {Error Detection in Control Flow of Event-Driven State Based Applications},
  editor = {P. Pelliccione and H. Muccini and N. Guelfi and A. Romanovsky},
  booktitle = {Software Engineering of Fault Tolerant Systems},
  publisher = {World Scientific Publishing},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {Ser. Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 19},
  annote = {ISBN 978-981-270-503-7, http://www.worldscibooks.com/compsci/6362.html}

  editor =      {Felicita {di Giandomenico} and Henry Muccini and Cristina Gacek and Marlon Vieira},
  title =      {Architecting Dependable Systems V.},
  chapter =      {Gergely Pinter and Zoltan Micskei and Andras Kovi and Zoltan Egel and Imre Kocsis and Gabor Huszerl and Andras Pataricza: Model-Based Approaches for Dependability in Ad-Hoc Mobile Networks and Services},
  publisher =      {Springer},
  year =      {2008},
  note =      {Accepted}

  title = {{Integration of OLAP and Data Mining for Analysis of Results from
           Dependability Evaluation Experiments}},
  author = {Gergely Pint{\'e}r and Henrique Madeira and Marco Vieira and
            Istv{\'a}n Majzik and Andr{\'a}s Pataricza},
  note = {Accepted, in press},
  year = 2008,
  journal = {International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies},

  author = {R. Fajta and P. Domokos and I. Majzik},
  title = {Adding High Availability Features to Server Applications 
    Using Aspect-Oriented Programming},
  journal = {H\'\{i}rad\'astechnika, the Journal of the Scientific Association 
    for Infocommunications},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {LXII},
  number = {1},
  pages = {56-62},
  month = {January},
  publisher = {Scientific Association for Infocommunications},
  annote = {HU ISSN 0018-2028}

  author = {I. Majzik and G. Pint\'er and Z. Micskei},
  title = {Development of Model Based Tools to Support the Design of 
    Railway Control Applications},
  booktitle = {Proc. 26th Int. Conf. on Computer Safety, Reliability and
    Security, SAFECOMP 2007, Nuremberg, Germany},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {430-435},
  editor = {F. Saglietti and N. Oster},
  volume = {LNCS 4680},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag Berlin},
  annote = {ISSN 0302-9743}

  author    = {Andr{\'a}s K{\"o}vi and
               D{\'a}niel Varr{\'o}},
  title     = {An Eclipse-Based Framework for AIS Service Configurations},
  booktitle = {ISAS},
  year      = {2007},
  pages     = {110-126},
  ee        = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-72736-1_10},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/isas/2007},
  bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}

  author = {G. Pint\'er and Z. Micskei and I. Majzik},
  title = {Supporting Design and Development of Safety Critical Applications 
    by Model Based Tools},
  booktitle = {Proc. of the 10th Symposium on Programming Languages and 
    Software Tools (SPLST 2007), Dobog\'ok\H{o}, Hungary, 14-16 June 2007},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {61-75},
  editor = {Z. Horv\'ath and L. Kozma and V. Zs\'ok},
  publisher = {E\"otv\"os Lor\'and University},
  annote = {ISBN 978 963 463 925 1}

  author = {I. Majzik and P. Domokos and M. Magyar},
  title = {Tool-supported Dependability Evaluation
    of Redundant Architectures in Computer Based Control Systems},
  booktitle = {Proc. FORMS/FORMAT 2007, the 6th Symposium on
    Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems,
    25-26 January 2007, Braunschweig, Germany},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {342-352},
  editor = {E. Schnieder and G. Tarnai},
  publisher = {GZVB, Braunschweig, Germany},
  annote = {ISBN 13:978-3-937655-09-3}

  author = 	 {M. Anastasopoulos, A. Balogh},
  title = 	 {Model-driven development of Particle System Families},
  booktitle = {Proc. of  the 4th International Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software. (MOMPES 2007)},
  pages = 	 {102-114},
  year = 	 {2007},

  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}

  author = 	 {W. Herzner, R. Schlick, M. Schlager, B. Leiner, A. Balogh, Gy. Csert{\'a}n, A. Le Guennec, T. Le Sergent, N. Suri, S. Islam, B. Huber},
  title = 	 {Model-Based Development of Distributed Embedded Real-Time Systems with the DECOS Tool-Chain},
  booktitle = {SAE 2007 AeroTech Congress & Exhibition},
  year = 	 {2007},

  author = 	 {A. Patarcza, A. Balogh, J. R{\'a}cz},
  title = 	 {Scheduling of Embedded Time-Triggered Systems},
  booktitle = {2nd Workshop on Engineering Fault-Tolerant Systems},
  pages = 	 {44-49},
  year = 	 {2007},

  publisher = {ACM Digital Library}

  author = 	 {A. Balogh, A. Patarcza, Gy. Csert{\'a}n B. Polg{\'a}r},
  title = 	 {Model-Based Analysis and Synthesis Methods for Dependable Embedded Systems},
  booktitle = {Regional Conference on Embedded and Ambient Systems {RCEAS 2007}},
  pages = 	 {123-130},
  year = 	 {2007},
  month = {November},
  publisher = {ISBN: 978-963-8431-98-1}

  author = 	 {A. Balogh, A. Patarcza, G. Pint{\'e}r, A. Sisak, M. Anastasopoulos, J Lee},
  title = 	 {Model-driven Specification, Analysis, and Realization of Assisted Living Systems},
  booktitle = {Regional Conference on Embedded and Ambient Systems {RCEAS 2007}},
  pages = 	 {123-130},
  year = 	 {2007},
  month = {November},
  publisher = {ISBN: 978-963-8431-98-1}