Selected Publications
Sz. Varró-Gyapay, A. Pataricza, and A. Nagy.
Optimization of Production Nets under Temporal Constraints.
In Veszprém Optimization Conference: Advanced Algorithms,
Veszprém, Hungary, December 2004.
G. Pintér and I. Majzik.
Modeling and Analysis of Exception Handling techniques by Using UML
In Proc. FIDJI 2004 International Workshop on Scientific
Engineering of Distributed Java Applications, pages 69-78, Luxembourg,
Luxembourg, November 2004.
Abstract: Our paper aims at proposing a framework that allows programmers to exploit
the benefits of exception handling throughout the entire development
chain of Java programs by modeling exception handling in the abstract
UML statechart model of the application, enabling the use of automatic
model checkers for checking the behavioral model for correctness even
in exceptional situations, and utilizing automatic code generators for
implementing the Java source of exception-aware statecharts
D. Varró and A. Pataricza.
Generic and meta-transformations for model transformation
In T. Baar, A. Strohmeier, A. Moreira, and S. Mellor, editors,
Proc. UML 2004: 7th International Conference on the Unified Modeling
Language, volume 3273 of LNCS, pages 290-304, Lisbon, Portugal,
October 10-15 2004. Springer.
G. Pintér and I. Majzik.
Impact of Statechart Implementation Techniques on the Effectiveness
of Fault Detection Mechanisms.
In Proc. EUROMICRO'04 Workshop on Component Based Software
Engineering, Rennes, France, September 2004.
Abstract: This paper presents the analysis of an experiment series aiming at the discovery
of the impact of two inherently different statechart implementation
methods on the beha vior of the resulting executables in the presence
of faults. The discussion identifies the key features of
implementation techniques influencing the effectiveness of standard
fault detection mechanisms (memory protection, assertions etc.) and an
advanced statec hart-level watchdog scheme used for detecting the
deviations from the abstract implementation-independent behavioral
Zs. Pap and D. Varró.
Static safety analysis of uml action semantics for critical systems
In Peter Dadam and Manfred Reichert, editors, GI Jahrestagung
(1), volume 50 of LNI, pages 57-61. GI, September 2004.
A. Balogh.
Correctness-proven code generation for mda.
In Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science, page 23.
University of Szeged, Institute of Informatics, University of Szeged,
Institute of Informatics, July 2004.
Sz. Gyapay.
Model-based optimization and verification of it systems.
In Tibor Csendes, editor, Conference of PhD Students in Computer
Science, page 52, Szeged, Hungary, July 2004.
G. Pintér and I. Majzik.
Abstract Model-based Checkpoint and Recovery.
In Volume of Extended Abstracts CS2, pages 96-97, Szeged,
Hungary, July 2004.
Abstract: The most frequent cause of service unavailability in computer systems is
related to transient hardware or software faults. A common way for
addressing these issues is based on introducing a checkpoint
and recovery schema. Checkpoint generation means the periodic
saving the process state into a stable storage. This image can be
used for restarting the process from the previously saved state
reducing this way the processing time loss to the interval between
the checkpoint creation and the failure. Although the core idea is
relatively simple, its implementation can get very complicated in
case of complex internal data structures since the representation of
an object model in the non-volatile storage and the transmission
between the memory and the storage requires significant programming
effort. This paper aims at proposing an automatic code generation
scheme that provides a transparent and platform-independent facility
for persisting object structures of arbitrary complexity in stable
G. Pintér and I. Majzik.
High-level Supervision of Program Execution Based on Formal
In Proc. The International Conference on Dependable Systems and
Networks (DSN-2003) Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems (Supplemental
Volume), pages 292-296, Florence, Italy, June 2004.
Abstract: This paper presents an approach for concurrently supervising the execution
of applications specified by UML statecharts and a corresponding
instrumentation scheme. The run-time verification is implemented by a
statechart-level monitor while the instrumentation is based on
Aspect-Oriented Programming combining this way an emerging paradigm of
the software technology and a well-established dependability measure
I. Majzik, G. Pintér, and P. T. Kovács.
UML Based Design of Time Triggered Systems.
In Proc. The 7th IEEE International Symposium on
Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC-2004), pages 60-63,
Vienna, Austria, May 2004.
Abstract: This paper presents how the platform-specific development environment of
time-triggered (TT) systems can be integrated with a visual design
toolkit based on UML. The built-in facilities of UML and the
modeling extensions introduced by us enable the unification of the
advantages provided by both the embedded development environment and
the UML tools. UML offers visual design, automatic code and
documentation generation, while the underlying TT development
environment offers platform-specific task and communication
scheduling and fault tolerance middleware construction. This results
in an integrated system that is capable of supporting the entire
development within the framework of the UML tool.
D. Varró.
Automated formal verification of visual modeling languages by model
Journal of Software and Systems Modeling, 3(2):85-113, May
I. Majzik, G. Pintér, and P. T. Kovács.
UML based Visual Design of Embedded Systems.
In Proc. The 7th IEEE International Workshop on Design and
Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS-2004), pages 115-120,
Stará Lesná, Slovakia, April 2004.
Abstract: This paper presents an approach for connecting visual UML modeling
environments and platform-specific toolkits of embedded systems.
The resulting development suite promises the unification of
advantages of the two areas: UML CASE tools with the modeling
extensions proposed in the paper offer visual design, automatic code
and documentation generation, while the plat-form-specific
environments provide means for task and communication schedul-ing
and fault-tolerant middleware construction. Our approach is
illustrated by a case study.
L. Gönczy.
Building complex systems of web services.
In Volume of Extended Abtsracts of Conference of PhD Students in
Computer Science, page 50, Szeged, HUNGARY, 2004.
L. Gönczy.
Web service rendszerek - systems of web services.
In Fiatal Mûszakiak Tudományos Ülésszaka
(FMTU2004), pages 105-108, Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA, 2004.
In Hungarian.
T. Bartha, Gy. Csertán, Sz. Gyapay, I. Majzik, A. Pataricza, and D. Varró.
Formális módszerek az informatikában.
Typotex Kiadó, Budapest, 2004.
I. Majzik and G. Péceli.
Idô és eseményvezérelt kommunikáció beágyazott
számítógépes rendszerekben. (Time and event triggered
communication in embedded computer systems, in Hungarian).
Elektrotechnika, 97. évf.(Tudományos különszám):19-22,
P. Domokos, I. Majzik, and D. Varró.
Megbízhatósági modellek automatikus generálása
In Fiatal Mûszakiak IX. Tudományos Ülésszaka,
Kolozsvár, 2004. március 26-27., pages 101-104. Erdélyi Múzeum
Egyesület, 2004.
D. Varró.
UML modeling of web applications.
In C. Garcia and A. Pataricza, editors, E-Business for
SMEs. Prentice Hall, 2004.
Reviewed by the publisher and the editors.
Sz. Gyapay, A. Schmidt, and D. Varró.
Joint optimization and reachability analysis in graph transformation
systems with time.
In Proc. GT-VMT 2004, International Workshop on Graph
Transformation and Visual Modelling Techniques, volume 109 of ENTCS,
pages 137-147. Elsevier, 2004.
G. Varró and D. Varró.
Graph transformation with incremental updates.
In Proc. GT-VMT 2004, International Workshop on Graph
Transformation and Visual Modelling Techniques, volume 109 of ENTCS,
pages 71-83. Elsevier, 2004.
L. Baresi, R. Heckel, S. Thöne, and D. Varró.
Style-based refinement of dynamic software architectures.
In Proc. WICSA 2004: 4th Working International IEEE/IFIP
Conference on Software Architecture, pages 155-164, Oslo, Norway, 2004.
IEEE Computer Society.
A. Rensink, A. Schmidt, and D. Varró.
Model checking graph transformations: A comparison of two approaches.
In Proc. ICGT 2004: Second International Conference on Graph
Transformation, volume 3256 of LNCS, pages 226-241, Rome, Italy,
2004. Springer.
G. Varró, K. Friedl, and D. Varró.
Graph transformations in relational databases.
In Proc. GraBaTs 2004: International Workshop on Graph Based
Tools, ENTCS. Elsevier, 2004.
In press.