Abstract: The integrated EU-project DECOS (Dependable Embedded Components and Systems) aims at developing an integrated architecture for embedded systems to reduce life-cycle costs and to increase dependability of embedded applications. To facilitate the certification process of DECOS-based applications, the DECOS Test Bench constitutes a framework to support Validation and Verification. By implementing a modular approach, an application safety case merely contains the application-specific issues and reuses the safety arguments of the generic safety cases of the DECOS platform. The Test Bench covers the complete life cycle from the platform-independent models to deployment, including model validation and transformations. The safety cases are based on validation-plans (v-plans) comprising the steps to validate the safety requirements. The Test Bench provides a methods/tools repository, guidelines to generate and execute v-plans, and integration of tools and of remotely distributed test beds.
Abstract: Graph transformation (GT) frequently serves as a precise underlyingspecification mechanism for model transformations within and betweenmodeling languages. However, composability of graph transformation rules istypically limited to inter-level rule composition (i.e. rules calling otherrules). In the current paper, we introduce intra-level composition for GTrules where the left-hand side and right-hand side graphs of GT rules can becomposed of stand-alone graph patterns in a fully declarative way. As aresult, the specification of complex model transformation problems can bedrastically reduced. Our concepts are demonstrated using the transformationlanguage of the VIATRA2 framework.
Abstract: To increase the interoperability of availability management software (also known as high availability middleware) major vendors released an open specification, the Service Availability Interface. With the development of a common interface the comparison of multiple products can be achieved. For high availability (HA) solutions, assessing the robustness of the HA middleware is as important as measuring its performance. This paper investigates the sources of inputs that can activate robustness faults of a HA middleware and recommends the corresponding testing techniques to check the existence of such faults. We investigated the automated construction of the robustness test suites and compared the efficiency of different techniques using a case study with an open-source HA middleware.
Abstract: Due to the increasing need of highly dependable services in Service-Oriented Architectures(SOA), service-level agreements include more and more frequently such traditional aspects as security, safety, availability, reliability, etc. Whenever a service can no longer be provided with the required QoS, the service requester need to switch dynamically to a new service having adequate service parameters. In the current paper, we propose a metamodel to capture such parameters required for reliable messaging in services in a semi-formal way (as an extension to [1]). Furthermore, we incorporate fault-tolerant algorithms into appropriate reconfiguration mechanisms for modeling reliable message delivery by graph transformation rules.
Abstract: Testing is an essential, but time and resource consuming activity in the software development process. In the case of model-based development, among other subtasks test construction and test execution can be partially automated. Our paper describes the implementation of a test generator framework that uses an external model checker to construct test sequences. The possible configurations of the model checker are examined by measuring the efficiency of test construction in the case of different statechart models of event-driven embedded systems. The generated test cases are transformed and executed on common testing frameworks (JUnit, Rational Robot) and the effectiveness of tests are measured using code coverage metrics.
Abstract: The current paper presents a technique for generating standalone model transformation plugins for the EJB 3.0 platform from platform-independent specifications of transformations given by a combination of graph transformation and abstract state machine rules (as used within the Viatra2 framework). As a result, the design of transformations can be separated from the execution of transformations. This also enables to run platform-independent Viatra2 transformations on very large models stored in underlying relational databases or to integrate such transformations into existing business applications.
Keywords: model transformation, platform-specific transformers, EJB 3.0, graph transformation, abstract state machines
Abstract: We present the model transformation language of the VIATRA2 framework, which provides a rule and pattern-based transformation language for manipulating graph models by combining graph transformation and abstract state machines into a single specification paradigm. This language offers advanced constructs for querying (e.g. recursive graph patterns) and manipulating models (e.g. generic and meta transformation rules) in unidirectional model transformations frequently used in formal model analysis to carry out powerful abstractions. In addition, powerful language constructs are provided for multi-level metamodeling to design modeling languages and template-based code generation.
Abstract: As Web service-based system integration recently became the mainstream approach to create composite services, the dependability of such systems becomes more and more crucial. Therefore, extensions of the common service composition techniques are urgently needed in order to cover dependability aspects and a core concept for the dependability estimation of the target composite service. Since Web services-based workflows fit into the class of systems composed of multiple phases, this paper attempts to apply methodologies and tools for dependability analysis of Multiple Phased Systems (MPS) to this emerging category of dependability critical systems. The paper shows how this dependability analysis constitutes a very useful support to the service provider in choosing the most appropriate service alternatives to build up its own composite service.
Abstract: We present a framework for the simulation and formal analysis of workflow models. We discuss (i) how a workflow model, implemented in the BPEL language, can be transformed into a data ow network model, (ii) how potentially incorrect execution paths can be incorporated, and (iii) how the properties of a workflow can be formally verifed using the SPIN model checker. For the several model transformation steps from workflow to analysis models, we use graph transformations.